Title: Cool Skys for DOOM!
Filename: graphics/coolskys.zip
Size: 20.79 KB
Date: 08/04/94
Author: Nathan Mielcarek
Description: I replaced all of the sky textures for all three episodes with some different color phasing I did using MVP Paint.

It's not much, but one night I was fooling around with the painting program right after I finished playing DOOM so I wanted to replace some of the walls and ceilings in DOOM with something I drew.
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I heard on the forums that there's an in-game random sky creator that does just this, but it also can create mountains therefore making it better than this.x
This is probably what the skies would have looked like in doom alphas if id software tested making a sky effect earlier.x
Just gradients from light to dark in green, orange, and red. No mountains, stars, clouds, or anything like that. Not really bad but plain.x

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