Title: OPal
Filename: graphics/opal.zip
Size: 14.4 KB
Date: 09/25/22
Author: DiR
Description: OPal is a palette inspired by the compressed and depressed hues of Silent Hill's otherworld, but not nearly as dark. Instead of making certain colours more muted, I added different shades to certain colours to help them stand out more in textures where they would otherwise wouldn't causing grungy clumps of cool and warm colours that give a noisy, distressed look without looking too much like it was deep-fried in contrast and saturation.

I find that it suits hell-themed environments, or warm environments in general (Try it out with "Doom II In Spain Only") Of course it may look funny with techbases but who knows? It's an experimental palette after all so who am I to tell you what you can or can't use it with.

Features: - Higher contrast for that fake HDR look (mileage may vary) - Contrast between warm and cool tones add additional colour contrast for extra grit - New golden invulnerability palette to prevent power blindness - Brand-new shades of blue, the blues have been made lighter and shifted from a dark indigo colour to a lighter cyan shade - New palettes for pain, item pickup, invulnerablity, and radsuit effects. Now available in Migraine Maroon, Yucca Yellow, Gilded Gold, and Geiger Green
Credits: Sigvater and ReaperAA for making PalPlus and Coldpal respectively, which I drew inspiration from Special thanks to all those on the editing questions subforum over on Doomworld who answered my dumb questions about how to use the image tools in SLADE.
Base: Based on Doom's original PLAYPAL and COLORMAP
Build time: roughly 1.5 weeks
Editor(s) used: Paint.net, SLADE,
Bugs: None that I am aware of
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