Title: RPG Doom (version 2)
Filename: graphics/rpgv2.zip
Size: 14.52 KB
Date: 01/04/01
Author: Mike Davidsen
Description: I could never understand why the Doom Marine fires his rocket launcher from between his legs. Perhaps in a masochistic way he enjoys the recoil. Anyway, this graphics-only wad is a replacement for Doom/Doom2's rocket launcher and you carry it on your shoulder like any sensible marine.
Credits: Sparky of KISS Software (kelm@eisa.net.au) for converting the original Dmgraph patch to wad format.
Base: rpgv1.zip (the Dmgraph version).
Build time: a couple of hours
Editor(s) used: Dmgraph, WinTex, DeuTex, NWT, Paint Shop Pro
Bugs: none
Rating: (10 votes)
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So good it was used in Action Doom.x
The above poster has not lerned 2 internet.x
God,you people are Dumb!if you dont like it,Tell us why it sucks,otherwise Quit throwing out insults,it makes you all seem like 3yr olds!x
how do i put this.... it sucks. 2/5 for the description nightmare22 , the crappy zdaemon player 8-12-09x
"I could never understand why the Doom Marine fires his rocket launcher from between his legs. Perhaps in a masochistic way he enjoys the recoil." Best. Sentences. EVAR. For that, you get 5 stars.x
Bleh, talk about low detail.x

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