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Documentation package for WADED v1.83 beta
Includes: WADED 1.83b Docs, WADED FAQ v0.1....Date:06/10/95
Size:18.62 KB
Author:Kirk Yokomizo

SuperWADED v1.967 alpha
A very limited version of the new WADED. Only THINGS mode works. This version is for testing and evaluation only....Date:06/25/95
Size:263.7 KB
Author:Matthew Ayres

WAD Concatenater v0.6
Merge WADs with this small little utility. Ever create a bunch of maps and wish you could save them all in one .WAD file? Also capable of renumbering episodes and maps. Version 0.6 works with Doom 1, Doom 2, and Heretic WADs. Since...Date:02/07/95
Size:34.88 KB
Author:Matthew Ayres

WADED v1.83 beta
Excellent Map Editor! Create WADs for Doom 1, Doom 2, and Heretic. Easy to learn and use. Draw maps quickly....Date:02/07/95
Size:183.7 KB
Author:Matthew Ayres

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