Title: Samurai Sword
Filename: combos/dt-sword.zip
Size: 33.46 KB
Date: 08/14/99
Description: Replaces the chainsaw with a cool bloody samurai sword. Remember the scene in Pulp Fiction where Bruce Willis and his friend are being held prisoner in the pawn shop? Bruce passes up a shotgun, a chainsaw, then picks up a sword and proceeds to slash up the hillbillies who are taking turns anal-raping the black guy? Anyway, with this patch you can slash up some undead. Enjoy! Oh, and this sword does a lot more damage than the chainsaw used to.
Credits: id Software 3dRealms
Base: Shadow Warrior Sprites, Modified by myself.
Build time: about 30 min
Editor(s) used: Deutex
Bugs: No
Rating: (10 votes)
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