Title: Mystical Paths
Filename: deathmatch/skulltag/mystical.zip
Size: 652.22 KB
Date: 08/18/04
Author: Mephisto
Description: This 15-map set takes you though various places during a demon invasion, with a storyline carried over via intermission texts. The wad is split up into three chapters. ZDoom/Skulltag effects are used, also a lot of Skulltag textures and and monsters.
Credits: Carnevil for Skulltag. The beta testers: Tom_D, Spunkman and Plz_Die_Kthx. Infurnus for the titlepic. id Software. Team TNT.
Base: Scratch
Build time: Two Months
Editor(s) used: Wadauthor, Deepsea
Bugs: Some weird errors when playing coop might occur.
Rating: (7 votes)
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nice for killing 2 hrs. coulda used the chainsaw sooner. 4/5x
Gotta love those trees. -Infurnusx

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