Title: WTF! Capture the Flag
Filename: deathmatch/skulltag/wtfctf.zip
Size: 915.63 KB
Date: 02/04/06
Author: Nick "DD_133" McCarthy
Description: The third installment to the WTF series of maps, with absolutely no effort into it this time around.
Credits: Cutman for not doing anything, AgentSpork for some scripting help, some random guys for playtesting, and circus666 for stolen stuff <3.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: About 3 days total
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder, XWE, Photoshop
Bugs: None that were encountered during playtesting
Rating: (5 votes)
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lame choke yoursekfx
DD really fucked this one up somehow as it is nowhere near as good as the last two which were only slighlty sucky or something ~ Tawmx
Wow this is horrible.x

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