Title: BassAckward
Filename: levels/doom/a-c/basakwrd.zip
Size: 68.15 KB
Date: 01/26/96
Author: John S. Gabe
Description: Players with claustrophobia (or acrophobia, for that matter) might want to stick with Sonic the Hedgehog. All others, keep your trigger finger warm.
Credits: id software, the authors of DETH (and by extension, DEU), and a big thank you to Marc Rousseau, author of ZenNode - a most excellent nodes builder.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DETH 3.7, ZenNode 0.97a
Bugs: None
Rating: (4 votes)
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The walls are LITERALLY paper thin. The enemies can shoot trough them! But since i saw 1x1box.WAD, I think this dreserves at least one star.x
horrible. just, horrible.x
Nothing to complain about technically, this map has nice looks and perfect texturing... but it's just too cramped for me. You'll spend 90% of the time in narrow hallways, in an elaborate labyrinth. As for progression, prepare to be teleported at regular intervals without warning. "Confusing" is only the beginning. All in all, not bad, but it's not really to my taste. --3/5x

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