Filename: levels/doom/d-f/dare.zip
Size: 36.63 KB
Date: 04/23/96
Author: Marc Locchi
Description: I hate to spoil surprises, just email me if you think its worth a mention.
Credits: My darling Sandy for her patience...
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: 38 Hours
Editor(s) used: DEU521GC
Bugs: None
Rating: (3 votes)
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Not bad although odd. It's a large square open-air room with red blood and a network of elevated walkways; you flick switches and eventually find a yellow key the end. There are lots of monsters and its quite tricky until you find all the weapons. I liked it in spite of itself (you get the backpack and chaingun right at the end, the level is frustrating and it has some annoying "wait ages for the lift" moments). It's not really all that good, though.x

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