Title: DEIMOS - replacement missions for DOOM, Episode I (Knee-Deep in the Dead) Missions 1 and 2
Filename: levels/doom/d-f/deimos.zip
Size: 76.19 KB
Date: 01/17/05
Author: Jeremy Lee
Description: Setting: Far'way planet, stuck in a demon infested millitary base, running for you life, taking pot shots at mutilated space marine buddies... nuff said.

E1M1.WAD (Sorta short and easy...) Can be played over the modem, but NOT in DEATHMATCH mode.

E1M2.WAD (Degreelessness mode suggested for first time of play.) Can be played over the modem, DEATHMATCH mode available.
Base: New from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DEU 5.1
Bugs: Some of E1M2.WAD are fixed in UGRADE.DUD. Just run UPGRADE.BAT.
Rating: (3 votes)
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This is the cream of the 1994 crop - Very authentic E1 feel, texturing is clean, monster and item placement is competent. Still would pass a decent maps if they were released today. The layout of E1M2 is a little bit stringy, but compared to it's contemporaries these maps are gold!x
Jaws In Space
I found both of these maps during my play through of Maximum Doom. E1M1 has a very simple layout, but still it's texture detailing is pretty good for 1994. Then there's E1M2 which is pretty darn impressive for 1994 & is easily on par with the very best wads made during that year. This is clearly inspired by Doom E1 & with a relatively small amount of work could even pass for a The Way ID Did map. My only real gripe about the map was that it was pretty tight on ammo.x
Two small, good maps, with nice E1-style texturing. They have mostly weak monsters, but the health supply is limited, so you can't play carelessly. Simple layouts, and straight-forward gameplay means they're good for 10 minutes of fun. --3/5x

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