Title: GhostBusters DooM2 -DEMO-
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/g-i/gbd2demo.zip
Size: 3.05 MB
Date: 02/09/01
Author: Stephen Browning
Description: The all NEW 7 level Demo of GhostBusters DooM2. Featuring many of the awesome levels from the first half of the game, GhostBusters I.
Credits: -read the attatched file "Tanx to..."-
Base: New levels from scratch
Build time: About a 3 and a half years, and stll kickin' spectre ass.
Editor(s) used: DMapEdit, Wintex, DeHackEd
Bugs: Although it has been tested and causes no errors (that I know of) ZDooM does some wierd effects with some of the levels, but doesn't hinder gameplay any.
Rating: (5 votes)
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Bugs, bugs, bugs.x
Still filled with minor bugs, but good. I'm looking forward to seeing the full version. -1 star for the bugs, so 4/5.x

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