Title: The New Adventure
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/0cb.zip
Size: 1.16 MB
Date: 03/23/06
Author: Paul Corfiatis
Description: Its the 43rd century, year 662, month 3 day 25. The universe is a wreck and you must sort out all this mess. So you have to go on a new adventure and kill Paul Corfiatis. Once he is beaten you will be a proud champion.

This Wod requires ZDOOM!!
Base: Nah levulz from itch Editor(s) used Doom Builder 1.60, Wintex, and others. Known Bugs Nah
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 1.60, Wintex, and others. Known Bugs Nah
Bugs: Nah
Rating: (80 votes)
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