Title: Enjay Zdoom 2001
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/njzd2001.zip
Size: 3.54 MB
Date: 02/24/01
Author: Nigel Rowand (Enjay)
Description: 32 Levels replacing Doom2, basically following the Doom2 "story". A reworking of my old Enjay Doom project (originally from 1994 for some of the older levels). Therefore, the look is a little primative in places.
Credits: Mark Matheson for Starting work on levels 18,19 and 25 Id Software for, well, you know Jack Vermeulen for his help particularly for coding DeePsea
Base: Update to previous Enjay Doom releases. (AFAIK none currently publically available).
Build time: 7 years. Ok, the last review just took a couple of weeks.
Editor(s) used: All of them, 7 years is a long time.
Bugs: A few textures not matching, probably, but I think everything else is OK.
Rating: (50 votes)
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