Title: Real Death
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/p-r/realdeth.zip
Size: 467.68 KB
Date: 07/04/12
Author: Uncle Cracker
Description: I've recently created the first map which I deem worthy of upload to /idgames. I'd made several maps before, but they were below my standards. This WAD has a ton of new effects, as well as excellent level design and detail that will have you begging for more. Oh, and don't have sex with imps. YOU. WILL. FUCKING. BLEED.
Base: New from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Doombuilder 2, SLumpED
Bugs: Some of the effects will lag your computer like a sonnuvabitch if you don't have a quite fast processor.
Rating: (14 votes)
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