Title: Toxic Dump
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/s-u/tdump.zip
Size: 28.54 KB
Date: 01/03/09
Author: Swanson
Description: youre a UAC worker on the toxic dumps station on Mars. You were
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 15 hours
Editor(s) used: DeePsea
Bugs: none so far. email me if you find any.
Rating: (9 votes)
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Requires Zdoom because - and this is a new one for me - the red key cannot otherwise be picked up without a "difficult" 32-unit glide. In Boom or vanilla, you just walk over the red key without picking it up. Yet another way Zdoom changes gameplay! The map has other failings too, and is not worth playing.x
A weird layout design. The switches were like wtf when I looked at em. The map was short and had a low amount of enemies. Nothing to special to look at but otherwise only for a quick map play threw. 1/5.-Candle Mx
For a first map, it's average. The author gives the player far more ammo and weapons then he needs and it's not very hard. The design and layout make next to no sense. Hardcore_gamer.x
It's really too simple even for my minimalistic taste. Reminds me my first attempts. 2/5 - Optimusx
It's a beginner level, i liked it. I didn't mind the visuals, though, because they are... 1994ish. Keep mapping! 35 -TomoAlienx
Reminds me of Doom Jr. x

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