Title: Vel ficta: Tantibus.
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/v-z/v_ficta.zip
Size: 407.12 KB
Date: 07/04/13
Author: Lukasxd
Description: After a stressful week, you decide to give a rest of your gruelling scientific work as archeologist.

You begin to have nightmares about a place. A temple.

Whose discovery will offer you the recognition you want. Or maybe not ...
Credits: Participants and arcades3d tournament winners. Special Thanks to Eye de cul, by him, the map can be runned on PrBoom.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 2 months
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder, XWE.
Bugs: Some homs, This is because the effects of mapping. Cannot be fixed. Sorry (
Rating: (10 votes)
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Well done :) -- 4/5x
Needed a little more ammo. But great detail and atmosphere. Great sky, great end!x
A good looking map, save for some visual bugs (unpegging at doors, slime trail, etc.). Unfortunately, the layout has nothing interesting to offer and the gameplay is incredibly flat. Normally I'd be generous to a wad like this and up the vote, but being stuck in the SSG pit was absolutely unforgivable. 3/5 -Snakesx
Great work friend, something difficult and some homs but nothing major. 4/5 - Diabolic Lordx
Great work bro.x
Great map, very well detailed and also uses some vanilla doom tricks. Very nice 4/5 -DooMknightx

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