Title: Alxdeth IV Death? Hah!
Filename: levels/doom2/a-c/alxdeth4.zip
Size: 222 KB
Date: 10/21/00
Author: Alex Nichols
Description: Designed as a single player level, but also made for deathmatch and cooperative, this level presents a fairly good challenge.
Credits: Danny Boykin, id Software, and Steven Denton for his "Free Burritos at Lowes story.
Base: New level from scratch.
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Waded and Wintex
Bugs: A minor problem if you're careful. When you first play the level, the area glowing around the red key card is a little troublesome. If you press on the back of where the switch was after you lower the floor, the game will start doing strange things. So just avoid doing that. Otherwise, just a few mis- aligned textures.
Rating: (3 votes)
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Terrible! Too easy, the sounds are annoying, layout is almost and detail definitely non-existent.x
Kinda juvenile. Not *too* bad, but you can all too easily avoid all the big monsters at the end so the orgasmic "final battle" we all love in this game never happens.x
this sux cock for dethmach or coop but if your just plaing on single player its ok x

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