Title: BBlast!
Filename: levels/doom2/a-c/bblast01.zip
Size: 140.3 KB
Date: 04/11/95
Author: .pigeon.
Description: This is a Doom ][ 1.9 only wad. plenty of deathmatch starts and network action. MAP01 is bblast.wad MAP02 is office.wad
Credits: My DOOM ][ Widow for putting up with me. The creators at id. The creator of DCK 2.2 The creators of Wintex 3.4 The creatros of Wave Studio. The creators of Time Cop (YES TIME COP)
Base: New levels from scratch BABY!
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Doom Construction Kit 2.2 Wintex 3.4 Creative Labs Wave Studio
Bugs: i don't know bugs, i kill 'em @>-->---
Rating: (2 votes)
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There are some monsters but they're pretty much deathmatch-only maps, and quite poor ones: just flat areas with some walls. Map01 is overly spacious, Map02 is overly cramped. Cute music though.x

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