Title: BlackOut.zip
Filename: levels/doom2/a-c/blackou2.zip
Size: 120.13 KB
Date: 12/02/05
Author: Wes Burd Jr
Description: Outside area, It goes dark when you start,But don't worry there is a switch to get the lights back on,by the 2 moving platforms. the switch is hidden of course but not hard to find. Don't get ticked off if you keep gettin' killed, Just start over and take a different approach at the mayhem.... !!!!! ENJOY !!!!!
Credits: ID Software for such a great game
Base: New Level From Scratch
Build time: Who Know's,Who Cares, It Got Done // !! Well, Maybe A Good 5-6 Months !!
Editor(s) used: WadAuthor Ver 1.3O (The Best Editor I've Ever Used) (Check It Out,Very Easy To Use)

WARM Ver 1.6 ( For Final Node Build ) --- (Excellent Tool) & (Easy To Use)
Bugs: None,Well a few glitches here and there
Rating: (7 votes)
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Idiotic switch hunt. Sorry, but really...x
Fait a UVFast en 11vies et 35:35 a 97%kills - 4/5 - Eye'sx
A very nice map, IMO completely borked by the blackout thing. Noclipping through that one linedef helps :). 4/5 - Belialx

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