Title: Caves of Hell
Filename: levels/doom2/a-c/coh.zip
Size: 24.35 KB
Date: 05/25/11
Author: Collin Pierce
Description: A single player level for Doom 2.
Credits: Testing: Mithran Denizen, Marnetmar, Doomhero85, and cbronson.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 1 Week
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2
Bugs: None (Yet)
Rating: (11 votes)
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Enthusiastic but amateurish level. Simple map layout which is too often way too cramped, simple texture use with lots of misalignments, almost no decoration, secrets not hinted except one which is trivial. Too much ammo @ UV, and barons in small corridors fights are too 1994. Gameplay @ UV was not very exciting. Overall meh.x
It's not easy if cannot find any secrets, but once you find them, the game will too easy. The map layout is awful, gameplay is merely ok for killing fun, but nothing else... Keep try mapping more, you can do better. 2/5 -playerlinx
Not bad, but you can die quickly if you take wrong route, because the confined space makes it hard to fight.x
Not bad at all. Keep it up. 3/5 - ZZx
I think it was great, keep on mapping, will look forward to seeing your future WADsx
the good thing:non linear map. too easyx
It's not bad for an early (or first) map (assuming it is), but the gameplay doesn't flow well, and the secrets make the map highly unbalanced (i.e. way too easy).x

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