Title: Da Crypt!!
Filename: levels/doom2/a-c/crypt.zip
Size: 770.02 KB
Date: 06/15/95
Author: BOSCO
Description: That's what THE CRYPT is all about. A concerted attempt to create a level that's fun AND challenging. THE CRYPT is about skulking and strafing and sniping and strategy! the surroundings were designed for multiple strategic methods. Use the enemies' AI against them! Use cover to defend! Find alternate routes to circle around the enemy and lure them to where YOU have the advantage! THAT'S the Crypt. Not tedious teleporter puzzles or obnoxiously placed keys and powerups. Not swarms of enemies that can only be dispersed with the BFG. In fact there IS no BFG. No annoying, tedious Cyberdemons, either. Just cool stuff, and a kick ass, well-tuned challenge that doesn't force you to use the cheats!.
Credits: the authors of MANSION.WAD, CITDOOM2.WAD, ALIENSX.WAD and URBAN.WAD for the cool sounds that I ripped off!
And of course to ID for taking away all my free time and making my girlfriend hate me!!
Build time: One year
Editor(s) used: DOOMED 2, DEU, DCK, RMB, BSP 1.2x, WINTEX
Bugs: A few instances of the "sliver glitch" that I couldn't get rid of, and this weird effect involving the midbars tex. It occurs in a very dark room, you enter and to the right you can see through the midbars texture into another small room with the green nukeage floor. You will notice that the midbars tex seems to be tiling down into the floor(even though midbars isn't a tile-able tex!) but later, when the room lights up to full brightness, everything looks fine. ?!?!?
Rating: (2 votes)
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Kinda cool looking machinegun replacement (always liked it). Other than that, the author completly failed at what he set out to do. He claims in his text file that 99.9% of the levels around back then sucked. Unfortunaly this level is ONE OF THEM. It stinks monkey piss. Well, atleast this is probaly the first guy to come up with the idea of switching the pistol from left-handed to right-handed (poorly done though).x

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