Title: CW's Sweet WAD
Filename: levels/doom2/a-c/cw_sweet.zip
Size: 202.08 KB
Date: 08/15/95
Author: CW
Description: A cool WAD for all types of play! if you're going to play DM though, make sure you turn OFF monsters...
Credits: Me for making the MUSIC My little bro for SOUNDing this out.
Base: Scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Deu, Windeu, WinTex, EdMap, WadEd, NWT
Bugs: Music is good.. :)
Rating: (2 votes)
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It should be in Deathmatch section...no exit and dm layout..music is decent but sounds are annoying.. x
Hm, don't know if this is what I would call "sweet". It's a yard with 4 Spider Masterminds and 4 Cyberdemons. You need to wake them up, let the Cybies kill the Mommies and do the rest with the supershotgun. When all monsters are dead, you'll have the time to explore the map and find a Plasmagun, a Rocket Launcher and a BFG, that you don't need anymore. The only thing, that I couldn't find was the exit. The map is from 1995 and it's looking just like that. Meh. 1.5/5 -Milianx

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