Title: Deep Core 1
Filename: levels/doom2/d-f/deepcore.zip
Size: 66.58 KB
Date: 02/19/04
Author: Use3d
Description: I drew this map and built it in 1997. It was designed for my current megawad. The level lineup has changed a lot since this map was finished and it didn't make the cut for the upcoming first episode release. So I've ripped the custom textures out and am uploading it as-is. Expect a few more of these ;)
Credits: Joe Pantuso, for taking my money.
Base: New level
Build time: Few months
Editor(s) used: Renegade DoomED 2.86, TBSP 2.2, BSP 1.2
Bugs: None known
Rating: (7 votes)
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Nonlinear = good.x
Pretty good throwback level, very nice.x
Good E1 style map, worth a tryx

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