Title: Great Deathmatch Level
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/g-i/gr8dml2.zip
Size: 27.81 KB
Date: 08/27/95
Author: John Jankowski
Description: This is a deathmatch level. It has starts for 4 player deathmathch or coop. Please Email me a response, (Good or Bad) about the level or if you want to play modem Doom2 version 1.9, Rise of the Triad ver. 1.2 (Registered), Descent ver. 1.0 (registered), or Warcraft ver. 1.20 (cd). Versions may change due to releases. Modem speed is 14400. Live in VA.
Credits: The authors of WADED
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: Too long
Editor(s) used: WADED then WAD1TO2
Bugs: None
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