Title: This is my land, not your land, if you don't get off, I'LL BLOW YOUR HEAD OFF!!!!!!
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/g-i/head.zip
Size: 5.02 KB
Date: 08/29/96
Author: Douglas Lacher
Description: This is the first deathmatch level I've done.
Credits: id Software. SAMS Publishing. My friends.
Base: New level from scatch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: WadEd
Bugs: None!!! (I'm good!)
Rating: (2 votes)
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Interesting room design, but literally falls flat due to the lack of height variation. Weapons are strewn about the place, perhaps indicating and symbolizing the problems that Douglas Lacher faced during this period in his life?x
One sector with an abstract perimeter and weapons everywhere..x

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