Title: Kaspam Isriqusu
Filename: levels/doom2/g-i/isriqusu.zip
Size: 19.52 KB
Date: 11/12/95
Author: Erik Swanson
Description: A new Wad from the creator of Nazicave and River of Doom. Go thru the monsters hideout until you find the end... this is my third released Wad, and it's style is more polished and it uses more elaborate features then by first two.
Credits: The Maker of Dmapedit, and Id software.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Dmapedit v4.0
Bugs: None
Rating: (4 votes)
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Quite weak, one or two decent ideas, some very weird ones (a stuck cyber that obstructs the way). Playable but that's about it.x
1995 map with a lot of design flaws typical for that time. One of them is that you can get trapped in a section which is inescapable when you don't have the yellow key. Rated as '95 map: more meh than average, but as 2014 map considered plain awful.x
Bit boring maze, but overall pretty good for '95. I should give one star down for inescapable pit tho. :/x
I couldn`t finish the level because I couldn`t find the yellow key.x

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