Title: Bereft
Filename: levels/doom2/j-l/jb-berft.zip
Size: 90.5 KB
Date: 07/05/99
Author: Joe "Recidivus" Becht
Description: This is not a Doom "map"... in fact, it would be better described as an adventure; a test of endurance taking you through a foggy wasteland of ancient ruins and forests. Think smart. Think quick. But don't think you're going to make it out alive.
Credits: James "Quasar" Haley deserves due credit for the excellently-crafted fogmap used in this level.
Base: New level from scratch.
Build time: A few buckle-down weeks of hard work.
Editor(s) used: WadED and WinTex.
Bugs: None at this time.
Rating: (13 votes)
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