Title: Perchance To Dream
Filename: levels/doom2/j-l/jb-dream.zip
Size: 76.5 KB
Date: 05/04/99
Author: Joe "Recidivus" Becht
Description: This "Episode-1" style level takes you into the confines of a UAC space base that has fallen into demonic hands. I have tried to reenact the nostalgic feel of Doom's first episode.
Credits: James "Quasar" Haley, a fantastic mentor and a damn fine level editor too. Check out his Eternity TC project at http://doomnation.com/teameternity
Base: New level from scratch.
Build time: A couple weeks.
Editor(s) used: WadED by Matthew Ayers.
Bugs: None at this time.
Rating: (5 votes)
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This is dated May 1999. You fight 80 baddies in a plain, symmetrical map that looks and feels like a polished, decent 1994-style user level. It's not bad, but it feels lifeless and bland, and the rigid symmetry hypnotised me. em desitonpyh yrtemmys digir eht dna, dnalb dna sselefil sleef ti tub, dab ton s'tI. level resu elyts-4991 tneced, dehsilop a ekil sleef dna skool taht pam lacirtemmys, nialp a ni seiddab 08 thgif uoY. 9991 yaM detad si sihTx

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