Title: Meatballs 2: Night Mission
Filename: levels/doom2/m-o/mballs2.zip
Size: 331.37 KB
Date: 01/20/15
Author: riderr3
Description: The second set of maps from the Meatballs "series"
Credits: ID Software
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 2 months
Editor(s) used: SLADE3, ZDBSP, Visplane Explorer, GIMP
Bugs: None
Rating: (4 votes)
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Holy Cheese balls Batman! Talk about a rough start... x
I rate only the first map, I didn't get to play the second one very much, but I reckon it's nasty. First map is very rough at the beginning. It's very non-linear and when you go into bad direction you will have a bad time. Once you manage to collect necessary weapons its becomes much better. Good visuals, good connectivity, a bit claustrophobic and irritating with hitscanners.x

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