Title: Novice's House
Filename: levels/doom2/m-o/mcdonb.zip
Size: 11.36 KB
Date: 10/11/14
Author: SpiderDisease
Description: Another small experiment made by me, reminds me of early 90's community maps.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: A few hours
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2
Bugs: None as far as I know
Rating: (7 votes)
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Kinda ugly and stupid with nothing interesting to look at, but it offers some action. Takes like 2 minutes to beat.x
"Reminds me of early 90's community maps", well you are not far off. It is actually more reminiscent of early 90's crap like MYHOUSE.wad or the other monstrosities from things like Maximum Doom or D!Zone. My advice is to study some good but simple 90's maps and draw inspiration from them.x
Dont be discouraged, try again and you'll do better.x
I'd rather drown in diarrhea than play this again.x
Very simple map layout, very poor texture use, no decoration, awful gameplay. Overall: not worth a download. Sorry SpiderDisease, you'd better read doomwiki.org/wiki/Ti ps_for_creating_good _WADs before creating and even uploading your next level. Success!x

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