Title: Mission In Ramatahatta (MIR)
Filename: levels/doom2/m-o/mir2.zip
Size: 203.43 KB
Date: 01/09/98
Author: Mario
Description: This is my BEST, LARGEST and most DETAILED map EVER! It is also the first to have a proper background story...

See below for the story and "Fun Things To Do In Ramatahatta"!
Credits: id DeeP crew (you guyz just rule) Tanel
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: you wouldn't believe me anyway (4.01. - 8.01.1998) pics took 10 minutes, music was created in 1997
Editor(s) used: DeeP, WinTex
Bugs: none and I mean it
Rating: (6 votes)
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That's some rocking music right there, dude. My custom monsters were rocking pretty hard! ~4/5 for the entire rocking experience!x
This is only map of Author at idgames...This is not large for modern day standards..start/end areas are ordinary...fights are plain and unexciting.layout along progression is poor too ..details are there esp at prison and ship area are beautiful..this map proves the point that visuals alone cant make a map enjoyable...average map overall...x
This is dated January 1998. I'll give the author a star for enthusiasm, and another one for the level, which is decent. It's a small-to-middling techbase with a strangely pointless port section. It has 91 baddies. I found the gameplay cramped and awkward, and the level looks like something from early 1995. There are some good attempts at detail (the prison) but it's very copy-and-paste (the prison, the barracks at the end) and once past the start it's easy, too.x
good map -sargebaldyx

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