Filename: levels/doom2/p-r/rampage1.zip
Size: 67.1 KB
Date: 03/11/97
Author: Moracan
Description: This level is the best level I have every made or seen. It rules in single player and deathmatch. It flows just perfectly. It was added on to D!zone.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: About.... 4 months!
Editor(s) used: Deu 2.0
Bugs: none
Rating: (5 votes)
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Typical enthusiastic but very amateurish 1994-style map with quite simple map layout and awful gameplay. Rated as 1997 map: very small 2* mostly for the effort, otherwise 1*. BTW 5* legendary is misuse of the right to vote.x
The design is as basic as it gets, not too far from Wolfenstein 3D, but the action is decent and there are lots of it. Cool barrel pyramid explosion too.x
Not a pretty level at all, or organized with any order, like he was in a dream and put random parts together. But it is very fun and challenging nonetheless. Playing in nightmare mode is the way to go for this.x
This is dated September 1995. Judging by the readme the author never actually played any of the original Doom levels, because this is dreadful; square rooms, each with a different texture scheme, flashing lights, simple blocks of baddies, a big square maze etc. Would have been poor in '94, doubly bad for late '95.x

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