Filename: levels/doom2/s-u/shooty10.zip
Size: 82.41 KB
Date: 05/16/95
Author: William Sullivan
Description: If you like doom, you'll get to shoot yer wad playing this all new pwad!
Credits: -Matthew Ayres, for Waded 1.83 beta
-Bill McClendon, for the Wad Designer's Tips Handbook. Without this, I would have given up even trying to figure out how to design DOOM2 maps. And thanks for the prompt and helpful responses to my stupid questions!
-Ben Morris, for DCK 2.2.
-The programmers at Id, for...
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: About 15 hours
Editor(s) used: DCK 2.2, Waded 1.83
Bugs: None so far.
Rating: (3 votes)
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I liked itx
Intensely unlikeable level; frustrating start, and has one of those puzzles where you have to lift steps by pressing switches (six of them) several times, except that you can't see the steps when you're by the switches, so you're just clicking blind.x

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