Title: Stairway to Heaven (STAIRWAY.WAD)
Filename: levels/doom2/s-u/stairway.zip
Size: 103.02 KB
Date: 06/29/96
Author: Jonathan Hall
Base: From scratch Build Time Who knows? Editor(s) used DoomEd 4.2 for Windows 3.1, DCK 2.2 Known Bugs A few, but I'm working on them. Please report any bugs you notice to jonhall@midusa.net!
Build time: Who knows? Editor(s) used DoomEd 4.2 for Windows 3.1, DCK 2.2 Known Bugs A few, but I'm working on them. Please report any bugs you notice to jonhall@midusa.net!
Editor(s) used: DoomEd 4.2 for Windows 3.1, DCK 2.2 Known Bugs A few, but I'm working on them. Please report any bugs you notice to jonhall@midusa.net!
Bugs: A few, but I'm working on them. Please report any bugs you notice to jonhall@midusa.net!
Rating: (4 votes)
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Stairway to Heaven! lolx
liked, didn't run out of ammo, but the two optional side stairs at the end are too small and you can't get back down so you have to idclipx
This is dated June 1996. You fight 188 baddies in a minimalistic stone level that floats in the sky (several years before "Null Space", although the levels are very different otherwise). It's not bad - you work your way up a mountain / slime techbase fighting monsters along the way. The problem is that there's so little ammo that you have to be very precise all the time, which drains the fun, and there are lots of bugs near the end, too.x
neat seat up but not enouf ammo 1/5x

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