Title: Thy Family Consumed
Filename: levels/doom2/s-u/tfc2.zip
Size: 30.7 KB
Date: 07/02/96
Author: Eeva Marin
Description: I wanted to make a wad that would be a bit different from most wads around. There are others like this one, but not many... Besides, I really wanted to draw a toilet bowl (for more intelligent reasons, see Additional Info below)
Credits: Ari Kallio for testing, id Software for DOOM, the people behind DeeP
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: A few days
Editor(s) used: DeeP
Bugs: None
Rating: (4 votes)
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The layout is very simple, and details are scanty. It seems like the author stopped in the middle of the way and placed some monsters into the house. There are better "real house"-maps and better maps by this author, so don't bother with this one. 1.5/5x
i realy likeed it and if you thank its to dark dont wory about it thairs a light swich in all the dark rooms x
It seemed interesting for the first few steps, but it's too damn dark :/x

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