Title: GRANITE WAD - Heretic
Filename: levels/heretic/g-i/granite.zip
Size: 40.07 KB
Date: 01/14/96
Author: Patrick Engel
Description: - A mostly outdoors setting that is somewhat challenging, given the relative scarcity of weapons and narrow cliffs.
Credits: Id Software - for creating doom/doom2 Raven Software - for Heretic Renaud Paquay and gang for the Deu editor.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: More than I care to admit.
Editor(s) used: Deu 5.25
Bugs: One that I know of (a very minor slime trail).
Rating: (1 vote)
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Nice map architecture, but the gameplay don't follow (nasty gargoyles in the stairs...) and there's some display bugs here and there. 2/5. ~Naanx

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