Title: Grendel
Filename: levels/heretic/g-i/gren10.zip
Size: 74.99 KB
Date: 12/14/96
Author: Richard D. Carlson (rcarlson@citilink.com)
Description: You have been summoned, like a demon, by one of D'Sparil's desciples. Apparently you have been selected to be "given to Grendel". Chuckling, the sorceror-priest turns away for a moment to silently meditate, confident that you are bound and powerless within his small, blood-stained pentagram...
Base: new level from scratch
Build time: 35 hours
Editor(s) used: WadAuthor v1.20
Bugs: Using certain cheat codes may cause this wad to act strangely or even crash. I won't go into which ones or why, just don't use 'em, okay?
Rating: (3 votes)
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This level would be great if it hasn't been so generous in items and ammo, and some annoying parts like getting into the `Grendel` monster, and finding the strange exit way... 3/5. ~Naanx

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