Title: Review of OPOST21.WAD
Filename: levels/reviews/rv-opost.zip
Size: 2.43 KB
Date: 05/26/94
Author: Frank Stajano
Description: This is a review (by Frank Stajano, fms@cam-orl.co.uk) of OPOST21.WAD.
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This is from May 1994. It's a review, saved as a .rev file, of id=49, one of the earliest maps in the archive. The review is really a kind of interpretive walkthrough, without much commentary or context; the reviewer glosses over the map's problems, specifically its baffling progression and a repetitive layout. On the other hand, he is now "tenured Senior Lecturer at the Computer Laboratory of the University of Cambridge", and I am not, so good for him.x

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