Title: AL|ENS-TC Music
Filename: themes/aliens/atcmus2.zip
Size: 90.04 KB
Date: 03/18/97
Author: Stephen Patterson
Description: New music for all of the episode 2 levels in Justin Fisher's AL|ENS-TC for DOOM 2
Credits: The original artists of the music.
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Wintex, midi2mus
Bugs: None
Rating: (4 votes)
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Attrocious. I had hoped that it would be actual Aliens movie music or something of that effect.x
E2M1 - Star Trek Theme... Huh... E2M8 - Mission Impossible... Ohhhhhhh... No matter what!!! Do what you want with YOUR wads, but don't polluate the Justin's work, please!!! Out of purpose!!! 0/5 - Jivex

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