Title: St. John's College, Oxford V1.01
Filename: themes/university/sjc.zip
Size: 1.05 MB
Date: 07/02/96
Author: Jaime Brandwood & Simon Tong
Description: Wander around St. John's College, Oxford, absorbing the atmosphere of the city of dreaming spires whilst eagerly grasping your shotgun. An accurate map based on original blueprints of the college. "Trinity.wad with interiors"?
Credits: * The Clerk of Works at St. John's College * The authors of trinity.wad for the initial inspiration * iD Software * The makers of WINDEU, DCK, WINTEX and WARM
Base: None. Level was built from scratch. (Although the piano is loosely based on the piano structure in boothill.wad)
Build time:
Editor(s) used: WINDEU, DCK, WINTEX and WARM
Bugs: The map seems to be so large that it's not possible to save the game. Running multiplayer doom2 via the deathmanger program can be a little temperamental. If you experience difficulties, run multiplayer doom2 from the command line instead. For example, for a null modem deathmatch you could type:

sersetup -file sjc.wad sjctex.wad sjcsp.wad -altdeath -com2 -warp1
Rating: (6 votes)
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Mehish, try trinity2. It's good to have realism + stuff, but I guess it's good enuff. ~3/5x
At least the level looks nice. The textures look pretty good. It's kinda boring though.x
Try using fitting textures! Holy fuking shit! dead ends, doors that don't open, checkered on the outside? God, if you used blueprints of the college, never be a constuction worker! 0/5x

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