Title: dejavu
Filename: levels/heretic/d-f/dejavu.zip
Size: 96.46 KB
Date: 06/24/11
Author: Wraith
Description: Do you like Michael Krause Wads? If yes, you should try this map. Hope you like that.
Credits: Id Software, and Raven for Heretic.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: I don't remember
Editor(s) used: Wadauthor and doombuilder 2
Bugs: textures desalignements
Rating: (7 votes)
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Eris Falling
Echoing comments that the map could really have done with more health. Solid map otherwise, with fairly fast and challenging gameplay.x
Actually, it's not bad, and not too hard but not at first time play...but health isn't enough and ammo is balanced unless you waste them. At my first play I think it's boring due I get killed by a lot of enemies, but after play more, I think it's OK...just...a little boring... 2.5/5 -playerlin x
Its a good level, very hectic to start with but could do with some more healthx
Someone has really got it out for Wraith, even though he is evidently not playing his wads. This one is pretty good, spacious and entertaining. 4/5x

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