Title: REoL TOUGH: St. Lucifer's Church
Filename: levels/doom/0-9/1fiffy5.zip
Size: 61.7 KB
Date: 10/08/94
Author: George Fiffy
Description: It's Sunday morning, at least to your knowledge, and Satan is STILL creating havoc on Earth! For now, you have another mission to accomplish!

It's now Christmas Eve in the year 2194, and most of hell's creatures usually go to church for a sermon of evil, and for a good night's sleep. (Like real church, there will USUALLY be far more vacant pews than the day of Christmas, or Easter.)

You're heading back to Earth to see what's happening up there, when you come across a church that does not exactly preach about God, but the evil one, SATAN!

Well, you decide to head into the church to see what this twisted satanic religion is like, but as usual, you are not greeted quite too well for interrupting the sermon. You work your way into the back area of the building to find daemons galore on your tail. Once you reach the back exit of the church, a door out of nowhere (literally) opens up right out of the sky! You then realize that there is an invisible building on site! You then realize that your adventure isn't really over, but has only JUST BEGUN!
Build time:
Editor(s) used:
Bugs: (1) HALL OF MIRRORS BIG-TIME! (SOB!): When you open the door to the church, depending on where you stand, you will experience the dreaded HOM EFFECT. This is because (now I REALLY know why) there are WAY TOO MANY linedefs (not sectors) on screen at once. Too much detail for the darn game to draw! This happens when you stand on the altar as well. I think there's a 100 linedef limit, according to sources. (For you who don't make your own levels, LINEDEFS = PLANES.)

(2) "MISSING" CORNER OF BRICK RETAINING WALL: On the leftmost corner of the brick retainer wall, on the church side overlooking the lower courtyard, you'll notice a corner of the brick wall that is "missing". However, on the other side of this wall (a good 30 feet lower than this viewpoint), this corner IS visible. I guess the "engine" of this program has a couple bugs that ID SOFTWARE did not know about (they didn't attempt anything difficult like this)!

(3) ENEMIES SEE THROUGH STAINED GLASS WINDOWS: If you're outside the church, looking at the far end of the building, enemies inside the church will come out after you. If you look at this level with an editor, you now know why the enemies in the church are facing in the weirdest of directions.
Rating: (3 votes)
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An improvement over Fiffy's earlier efforts but still doesn't warrant 3 stars. Fiffy still tends to throw a crap load of enemies at you with apparently no thought what so ever into the placement of these enemies.x

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