Title: 9 to 5, version 1.0
Filename: levels/doom/0-9/9-to-5.zip
Size: 84.71 KB
Date: 06/13/94
Author: Jonathan Hensey-Altfeld
Description: Well, I was all set for another boooring day at the office, but something told me I was in for a little treat... a simple trip up the elevator leading to a glorious welcome... Take THAT!! No more Mr YES MAN!!!
Credits: Raphael, Brendan et al; DEU authors
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DEU 5.0, 5.1, & 5.2 GCC (bigtime!)
Bugs: I am aware of several small flaws, however these do not affect gameplay, IMHO. The level has grown quite large; I have tried to be a perfec- tionist and have failed in several locations; Also I'm really tired of continually improving it! :) I've decided to release this and perhaps create an update level in the near future.
Rating: (7 votes)
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This is from June 1994. It's a sort-of "my office" level, but better than most, because the author has opened it up a bit. Nonetheless there are still a lot of tiny empty rooms. Overall it's large and ambitious, with a few good early design tricks, and generally fun to play although monotonous because of the size. There's a bugged teleporter that can get you stuck, and you need to shoot rather than press a certain wall to get to the red key, which is a bind.x
Improve it more :(x
This guy claims to be a perfectionist but there is nothing perfect about this level at all. It is playable but why would you want to?x

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