Title: Descent into the Depths of Chaos #9
Filename: levels/doom/0-9/9chaos.zip
Size: 42.51 KB
Date: 11/16/12
Author: The Chaos Brothers David Montgomery & Jim Milner
Description: This Pwad is intended as the secret level to our remake of the "Shores of Hell" episode.

No hint's, but be afraid, be very afraid... ... and have lots of DOOM style fun!
Credits: ID software, DEU 5.2 & BSP 1.0 We couldn't have done it without you.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DEU 5.2, DEU5.2gcc, BSP 1.0
Bugs: The DOOM 1.2 engine has a bug that flashes a blank texture when you cross under a texture that is more than 512 high.
Rating: (6 votes)
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If put some hints where are the secret doors (at least those needed to finish map) it would be poor, but not shitty wad. x
Getsu Fune
better than _3chaos but still not good. there's a red key but it's in a secret area and a few other things are in secrets too.x
walter confalonieri
Best of the "Descent into the Depths of Chaos" trilogy imo, at least here you have keys and such stuff to progress in the map instead of noclipping till forever for passing doors. Yeah, still needs the automap cheat for founding doors and other important things, but as i wrote before is the one with best progression.... Also, why putting red key doors if you don't put the red key in your map? WTF?x
Far too many times, you have to find a secret door to progress. No, just no. There's nothing else to this, either. No fun fights, horrible nooby architecture, and an otherwise simple layout. Find the door, kill the 2 or 3 shotgunners or imps, then progress. 0/5x

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