Title: Demon Base
Filename: levels/doom/Ports/d-f/dbase2.zip
Size: 132.64 KB
Date: 03/03/14
Author: Martin Bazley
Description: According to your watch, it's the 12th of June. Which is odd, because it was definitely the 5th of June about five seconds ago, and you were at your friend's birthday party, not here... Frantically, you cast your mind back to the time which was presumably a week ago. There was that girl; a real shocker. That was your most recent memory - the girl. Cascading chestnut-brown hair and bright blue eyes; shame about the complexion. Actually, hang on, how many people have you seen with grey skin hanging off them...? And was that really her cheap perfume that smelt of rotting flesh...? More memories come back to you, fleeting glimpses of something almost like those movies you weren't allowed to stay up to watch as a kid. Rooms full of zombies... evil experiments in dark laboratories... more and cheaper ways to efficiently zombify lots of people at once. The worst thing was, you seemed to be helping them! Something fishy's up on the Martian colony. You jump up from where you are sitting, and decide there and then to go and do something about it. And there the story starts... This file was originally distributed (via my web site) as DBASE.WAD but later renamed to avoid conflicting with another file in the idgames archive.
Credits: ID software (Doom) Eddie Edwards (RISC OS Doom) Justin Fletcher (Doom+, RISC OS BSP) Anthony J. Burden and Simon Oke (Deth) Lee Noar (RISC OS Deth) Colin Reed and Lee Killough (BSP) Big brother Chris (BSP front-end, web hosting)
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Don't even ask. Best measured in years.
Editor(s) used: Deth (Ported version 3.92) BSP (Ported version 2.3) Paint (1.94)
Bugs: Requires a source port of Doom that removes the internal limit that causes visplane overflows.
Rating: (8 votes)
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pretty ordinaryx
Played @ UV. Has good designed parts, but also weaker sceneries. Monster placement could be better. As-is 3/5, but refinement can turn this into a 4/5 wad.x
It's not really bad by any means, but somehow looks odd in many ways. I guess it's okay if you really have nothing else to do, but there are betters WADs. Bit tight on ammo, too.x
Bright & brutal: one of his best. Chaingun given early but no heavy weapons. Swarms of monsters and little ammo near the start. Pick off the shotgun guys first then deal with the imps if you can. Many secrets including one with a beserk pack. I forgot myself and tried to punch through the rest even after picking up shells later on! Design is mostly tasteful but lighting is a little silly in one cloistered area. Only irritation is that the yellow key is on a teleporter and not consistently picked up.x
I actually thought it would be a terrywad with a description like that, but it was actually pretty good. I like it!x

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