Title: DooMBoy E1M8
Filename: levels/doom/Ports/d-f/dbe1m8.zip
Size: 19.72 KB
Date: 11/05/02
Author: DooMBoy (Heh)
Description: 1 level WAD.
Credits: ID for DOOM 2. Randy Heit for ZDoom. Archvile46 for being 1337
Base: New level from scratch.
Build time: Two and half, three hours
Editor(s) used: Deep 11.66
Bugs: Small texture misalignments here and there, but not really noticable unless you look for them.
Rating: (3 votes)
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Vomit. No match for original e1m8. 0/5x
There's nothing wrong with this map.. but OTOH there's nothing that stands out either. It's just a (more or less) pointless remake of E1M8... I like the original better. --2/5x

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