Title: E1Mone
Filename: levels/doom/Ports/d-f/e1mone.zip
Size: 20.31 KB
Date: 01/23/16
Author: Gabriel Machado
Description: A begginers level, intended to be one of the first levels, so it isn't difficult or too big.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 8hrs
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2
Rating: (5 votes)
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Bland and with incorrect texturing. There are some good ideas and gameplay design choices, and a plus is that it isn't a rectangular map. It's still not a very good level, though.x
Average beginner map with misaligned texture and this kinda shit. It's not awful though the author should be careful, after the blue key you only provide bullets, which are useful only if you get the chaingun in the secret, keep in mind that on more complex maps, some may not notice or search for the secrets.x

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