Title: Glass Rubberband
Filename: levels/doom/Ports/g-i/glrubber.zip
Size: 389.78 KB
Date: 09/04/16
Author: CorndogScammer
Description: Info:

This is my first doom level, so feel free to criticize and trash it constructively. Otherwise I won't learn anything from this.

Additional Info:

Make sure to play this in OpenGL. Otherwise outdoor parts will look very buggy and the frame rate will be much less than desirable.
Base: From Scratch
Build time: 1-2 Weeks
Editor(s) used: GZDoom Builder
Rating: (5 votes)
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Simple WAD with some simple ZDoom techniques - something you'd do when learning how to use them. There's a fun room that changes shape as you press switches inside, but it's quite barren and has garish texturing. There are also slope mountains in the distance that look like sandcakes and kill performance. High-health monsters are present without means to quickly dispose of them - you're basically stuck with shotgun and chaingun. Difficulty - easy; time to beat - short.x
promising start, but falls victim to typical first map stuff: too much or too little health/ammo (in this case, the latter), not much detail, too linear, bad enemy placement, etc., but has some good points, like how the whole level wraps around itself, and a cool looking outdoor segment. Looking forward to more as you get better.x

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