Title: Hell's Train Station
Filename: levels/doom/Ports/g-i/hts.zip
Size: 41.33 MB
Date: 01/16/17
Author: JagDogger2525
Description: "You have been dropped off at a demon-infested train station that has been abandoned long ago.

Go in, and defeat the mastermind behind the infestation to make sure that this train station would be able to be once again used."

This map is a cleanup of my old Train episode. I have condensed it down to just the train station parts and cleaned it up well, adding more secrets, changing the items around, removing some enemies, and making sure that weapons are in supply.

This is my first single player map in over 7 years and I have put all the knowledge I have gained in the past 7 years to great use in this map.
Credits: Ransu for the music and Easy Skill name; Doom Christmas (doomxmas.wad) Team for the Red Baron Ball, the Plasma Rifle Sprite Change, and the Lost Soul Sprite Change; Nigel Rowand (Enjay) for the Doom Marine Player Skin Replacement, Variant 1 (variants.zip); Luiz Eduardo for the Shotgun (Alpha) Sprite (Le-Alpha.wad); Omegalore for the Pinky Explosion (pinky.zip); Josh aka Phallus for the Status Bar Replacement (techbar.wad); Brad Carney (Carnevil) and the Skulltag Team for the Super Shotgun Guy; Font Meme for the Name Replacement (http://fontmeme.com/doom-font/); Photoshop for flats, STEP11 & STEP12; id Software & Midway for the sky texture and switch textures; id Software for Doom and Doom 2; id Software & Apogee Software (3D Realms) for the Wolfenstein 3D references for 4 of the 10 skill sets; and 3D Realms for a small Duke 3D reference
Base: Modified from Train Station: Episode 1 (TSE1)
Build time: 90 Hours
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder & Slade
Bugs: Disappearing Reappearing Super Shotgun (not often)
Rating: (4 votes)
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The difficulty choices change the projectiles and placement of enemies and things, very nice touch. The map is stitched together into one megamap, which can be annoying if you don't save, but removing delay is great. Overall, the level design is open enough to hide secrets, but linear enough that you probably won't get lost. If I were to give it a rating out of then, I'd say a 7-8. It's short, so if you just want to waste an hour, then I would recommend it.x

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