Title: Mayhem Mansion
Filename: levels/doom/Ports/m-o/mayhemm.zip
Size: 20.46 MB
Date: 01/10/14
Author: Jack101
Description: Trailer: youtu.be/khGBUUnrlgE

In early 2013, I watched a video of an obscure FPS game called "Exploding Lips", a game that pretty much made no sense and pretty much sucked. Yet for some reason I liked it anyways, so I decided to make something inspired by the game.

Mayhem Mansion, you explore a haunted mansion full of giant disembodied lips, TV with legs, angry books, and other things trying to kill you for no reason whatsoever, but don't worry because you have your trusty weaponry and magic!

The layout and path is similar to Exploding Lips, but with less backtracking and less "How the fuck was I suppose to figure that out?"-ness.

Credits: BigProjectAlone, Tristan885, Diodeus, Raven Software, Witchaven, Realm667, DavidRaven, ETTiNGRiNDER, Freedoom, Neoworm, Exploding Lips, Bethesda, Liquidator (FPS), Deathkeep, freesound.org, Nintendo, Descent to Undermountain, Roland La Goy, Daggerfall, Bram Stoker's Dracula (FPS), Ray Schmitz(shitbag) Liquidator (FPS), cutmanmike, Cybermage, Stonekeep, Anvil of Dawn, Ultima 3.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 11 months
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2, Slade 3
Bugs: There's probably a few, but unless they're major I really don't give a shit. :v
Rating: (37 votes)
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